Download / Installation instructions for Linux ARM32/ARM64 platforms.

Step 1: Download BoincSpy

Those who want to get started quickly and conveniently may install BoincSpy using the following command.

Piping to bash is controversial, as it prevents you from reading code that is about to run on your system. Therefore, we provide this alternative installation method which allow code review before installation:

Alternative Install Method

 wget -O

Step 2: Configure BoincSpy

cd ~/BoincSpy/bin

SETUP NOTES: I will only use your email address for software updates and when your project
             has not written any workunits after a day.


Step 3: Autostart BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender - Program that sends Workunits to the Cloud.


vi ~/BoincSpy/tools/boincspy.service
   Modify the script and replace {user} with actual user that will be running BoincSpy there are 4 locations that need changing.
sudo cp ~/BoincSpy/tools/boincspy.service /lib/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable boincspy.service
sudo reboot
systemctl status boincspy.service

If you do not want to run BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender as a service. Do the following after you login:

cd ~/BoincSpy/bin
nohup ./BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender & 

Step 4: Running BoincSpy.Viewer

Troubleshooting tips if BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender does not start as a System process.

If systemctl status boincspy.service indicates that it did not start the check the following: