wget -O bootstrap.sh https://boincspy.ddns.net/bootstrap.sh
bash bootstrap.sh
cd ~/BoincSpy/bin
SETUP NOTES: I will only use your email address for software updates and when your project
has not written any Workunits after the specified timeout hours specified in setup program.
vi ~/BoincSpy/tools/com.boincspy.mqrabbit.sender.plist
Modify the script and replace {user} with actual user that will be running BoincSpy there is one location that need changing.
cp ~/BoincSpy/tools/com.boincspy.mqrabbit.sender.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.boincspy.mqrabbit.sender.plist
launchctl start com.boincspy.mqrabbit.sender
launchctl list | grep com.boincspy.mqrabbit.sender
If you do not want to run BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender as a service. Do the following everytime you login:
cd ~BoincSpy/bin
nohup ./BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender &