Download / Installation instructions for Windows-x64 platforms.

Step 1: Download BoincSpy

Step 2: Configure BoincSpy

Configure Note: {dl} indicates the drive letter where you want BoincSpy to be installed.

If you currently have BoincSpy installed.
	1. Stop All BoincSpy Processes
	2. Using Windows File Explorer rename the BoincSpy directory to BoincSpy.Framework

Start Powershell

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Expand-Archive "{DownloadDirectoryLocation}\" "{dl}:\BoincSpy"
cd \BoincSpy\tools
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Force  
cd ..\config
copy BoincSpy.AutoDeploy.exe ..\bin
cd ..\bin

SETUP NOTES: I will only use your email address for software updates and when your project
      has not written any Workunits after one day.

Once you have run BoincSpy.Setup.exe you can remove the BoincSpy.Framework directory

Remove-item '{dl}:\BoincSpy.Framework' -Recurse


Troubleshooting tips if BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender does not autostart.

If you suspect that  BoincSpy.MQRabbit.Sender is not running.  Check the following: